| MnaSolverPlugin (String pluginName, String name, CPS::Domain domain=CPS::Domain::DP, CPS::Logger::Level logLevel=CPS::Logger::Level::info) |
CPS::Task::List | getTasks () override |
| Get tasks for scheduler.
| MnaSolverDirect (String name, CPS::Domain domain=CPS::Domain::DP, CPS::Logger::Level logLevel=CPS::Logger::Level::info) |
virtual | ~MnaSolverDirect ()=default |
| Destructor.
void | setDirectLinearSolverImplementation (DirectLinearSolverImpl implementation) |
| Sets the linear solver to "implementation" and creates an object.
void | setDirectLinearSolverConfiguration (DirectLinearSolverConfiguration &configuration) override |
| Sets the linear solver configuration.
void | logLUTimes () override |
| log LU decomposition times
virtual | ~MnaSolver () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | setSystem (const CPS::SystemTopology &system) override |
Matrix & | leftSideVector () |
Matrix & | rightSideVector () |
| Solver (String name, CPS::Logger::Level logLevel) |
void | setTimeStep (Real timeStep) |
void | doFrequencyParallelization (Bool freqParallel) |
void | doSystemMatrixRecomputation (Bool value) |
void | setLogSolveTimes (Bool value) |
void | doSteadyStateInit (Bool f) |
| activate steady state initialization
void | setSteadStIniTimeLimit (Real v) |
| set steady state initialization time limit
void | setSteadStIniAccLimit (Real v) |
| set steady state initialization accuracy limit
virtual void | setSolverAndComponentBehaviour (Solver::Behaviour behaviour) |
| set solver and component to initialization or simulation behaviour
void | doInitFromNodesAndTerminals (Bool f) |
| activate powerflow initialization
void | setMaxNumberOfIterations (int maxIterations) |
void | initialize () override |
| Initialize cuSparse-library.
void | recomputeSystemMatrix (Real time) override |
| Recomputes systems matrix.
void | solve (Real time, Int timeStepCount) override |
| Solves system for single frequency.
void | createEmptySystemMatrix () override |
| Create system matrix.
void | switchedMatrixEmpty (std::size_t index) override |
| Sets all entries in the matrix with the given switch index to zero.
void | switchedMatrixEmpty (std::size_t swIdx, Int freqIdx) override |
| Sets all entries in the matrix with the given switch index and frequency index to zero.
void | switchedMatrixStamp (std::size_t index, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CPS::MNAInterface >> &comp) override |
| Applies a component stamp to the matrix with the given switch index.
void | stampVariableSystemMatrix () override |
| Stamps components into the variable system matrix.
void | solveWithSystemMatrixRecomputation (Real time, Int timeStepCount) override |
| Solves the system with variable system matrix.
std::shared_ptr< CPS::Task > | createSolveTaskRecomp () override |
| Create a solve task for recomputation solver.
std::shared_ptr< CPS::Task > | createSolveTask () override |
| Create a solve task for this solver implementation.
std::shared_ptr< CPS::Task > | createLogTask () override |
| Create a solve task for this solver implementation.
std::shared_ptr< CPS::Task > | createSolveTaskHarm (UInt freqIdx) override |
| Create a solve task for this solver implementation.
void | logSystemMatrices () override |
| Logging of system matrices and source vector.
void | solveWithHarmonics (Real time, Int timeStepCount, Int freqIdx) override |
| Solves system for multiple frequencies.
void | logSolveTime () |
| Logging of the right-hand-side solution time.
void | logFactorizationTime () |
| Logging of the LU factorization time.
void | logRecomputationTime () |
| Logging of the LU refactorization time.
std::shared_ptr< DirectLinearSolver > | createDirectSolverImplementation (CPS::Logger::Log mSLog) |
| Returns a pointer to an object of type DirectLinearSolver.
void | createEmptySystemMatrix () |
| Create system matrix.
void | createEmptySystemMatrix () |
| Create system matrix.
void | updateSwitchStatus () |
| Collects the status of switches to select correct system matrix.
| MnaSolver (String name, CPS::Domain domain=CPS::Domain::DP, CPS::Logger::Level logLevel=CPS::Logger::Level::info) |
| Constructor should not be called by users but by Simulation.
void | initializeComponents () |
| Initialization of individual components.
virtual void | initializeSystem () |
| Initialization of system matrices and source vector.
void | initializeSystemWithParallelFrequencies () |
| Initialization of system matrices and source vector.
void | initializeSystemWithPrecomputedMatrices () |
| Initialization of system matrices and source vector.
void | initializeSystemWithVariableMatrix () |
| Initialization of system matrices and source vector.
void | identifyTopologyObjects () |
| Identify Nodes and SimPowerComps and SimSignalComps.
void | assignMatrixNodeIndices () |
| Assign simulation node index according to index in the vector.
void | collectVirtualNodes () |
void | steadyStateInitialization () |
void | createEmptyVectors () |
| Create left and right side vector.
virtual void | switchedMatrixStamp (std::size_t swIdx, Int freqIdx, CPS::MNAInterface::List &components, CPS::MNASwitchInterface::List &switches) |
| Applies a component and switch stamp to the matrix with the given switch index.
Bool | hasVariableComponentChanged () |
| Checks whether the status of variable MNA elements have changed.
virtual void | log (Real time, Int timeStepCount) override |
| Logs left and right vector.
void | initializeComponents () |
void | initializeComponents () |
void | createEmptyVectors () |
void | createEmptyVectors () |
String | mPluginName |
struct dpsim_mna_plugin * | mPlugin |
void * | mDlHandle |
CPS::Logger::Log | mSLog |
| Logger.
std::unordered_map< std::bitset< SWITCH_NUM >, std::vector< SparseMatrix > > | mSwitchedMatrices |
| Map of system matrices where the key is the bitset describing the switch states.
std::unordered_map< std::bitset< SWITCH_NUM >, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< DirectLinearSolver > > > | mDirectLinearSolvers |
| Map of direct linear solvers related to the system matrices.
SparseMatrix | mBaseSystemMatrix |
| System matrix including all static elements.
SparseMatrix | mVariableSystemMatrix |
| System matrix including stamp of static and variable elements.
std::shared_ptr< DirectLinearSolver > | mDirectLinearSolverVariableSystemMatrix |
| LU factorization of variable system matrix.
DirectLinearSolverImpl | mImplementationInUse |
| LU factorization indicator.
DirectLinearSolverConfiguration | mConfigurationInUse |
| LU factorization configuration.
CPS::Domain | mDomain |
| Simulation domain, which can be dynamic phasor (DP) or EMT.
UInt | mNumNodes = 0 |
| Number of network and virtual nodes, single line equivalent.
UInt | mNumNetNodes = 0 |
| Number of network nodes, single line equivalent.
UInt | mNumVirtualNodes = 0 |
| Number of virtual nodes, single line equivalent.
UInt | mNumMatrixNodeIndices = 0 |
| Number of network and virtual nodes, considering individual phases.
UInt | mNumNetMatrixNodeIndices = 0 |
| Number of network nodes, considering individual phases.
UInt | mNumVirtualMatrixNodeIndices = 0 |
| Number of virtual nodes, considering individual phases.
UInt | mNumHarmMatrixNodeIndices = 0 |
| Number of nodes, excluding the primary frequency.
UInt | mNumTotalMatrixNodeIndices = 0 |
| Total number of network and virtual nodes, considering individual phases and additional frequencies.
std::vector< std::pair< UInt, UInt > > | mListVariableSystemMatrixEntries |
| List of index pairs of varying matrix entries.
CPS::SystemTopology | mSystem |
| System topology.
CPS::SimNode< VarType >::List | mNodes |
| List of simulation nodes.
CPS::MNAInterface::List | mMNAComponents |
| List of MNA components with static stamp into system matrix.
CPS::MNASwitchInterface::List | mSwitches |
CPS::MNAInterface::List | mMNAIntfSwitches |
| List of switches if they must be accessed as MNAInterface objects.
CPS::SimSignalComp::List | mSimSignalComps |
| List of signal type components that do not directly interact with the MNA solver.
std::bitset< SWITCH_NUM > | mCurrentSwitchStatus |
| Current status of all switches encoded as bitset.
CPS::MNASyncGenInterface::List | mSyncGen |
| List of synchronous generators that need iterate to solve the differential equations.
Matrix | mRightSideVector |
| Source vector of known quantities.
std::vector< const Matrix * > | mRightVectorStamps |
| List of all right side vector contributions.
std::vector< Matrix > | mRightSideVectorHarm |
| Source vector of known quantities.
Int | mNumRecomputations = 0 |
| Number of system matrix recomputations.
CPS::MNAVariableCompInterface::List | mVariableComps |
CPS::MNAInterface::List | mMNAIntfVariableComps |
| List of variable components if they must be accessed as MNAInterface objects.
UInt | mSwitchTimeIndex = 0 |
| Index of the next switching event.
std::vector< SwitchConfiguration > | mSwitchEvents |
| Vector of switch times.
Int | mLastLogTimeStep = 0 |
| Last simulation time step when log was updated.
std::shared_ptr< DataLogger > | mLeftVectorLog |
| Left side vector logger.
std::shared_ptr< DataLogger > | mRightVectorLog |
| Right side vector logger.
std::vector< Real > | mFactorizeTimes |
| LU factorization measurements.
std::vector< Real > | mSolveTimes |
| Right-hand side solution measurements.
std::vector< Real > | mRecomputationTimes |
| LU refactorization measurements.
String | mName |
| Name for logging.
CPS::Logger::Level | mLogLevel |
| Logging level.
Bool | mLogSolveTimes = true |
| Collect step time for logging.
CPS::Logger::Log | mSLog |
| Logger.
Real | mTimeStep |
| Time step for fixed step solvers.
Bool | mFrequencyParallel = false |
| Activates parallelized computation of frequencies.
Real | mSteadStIniTimeLimit = 10 |
| steady state initialization time limit
Real | mSteadStIniAccLimit = 0.0001 |
| steady state initialization accuracy limit
Bool | mSteadyStateInit = false |
| Activates steady state initialization.
Bool | mIsInInitialization = false |
| Determines if solver is in initialization phase, which requires different behavior.
Bool | mInitFromNodesAndTerminals = true |
Bool | mSystemMatrixRecomputation = false |
| Enable recomputation of system matrix during simulation.
Behaviour | mBehaviour = Solver::Behaviour::Simulation |
| Solver behaviour initialization or simulation.
template<typename VarType>
class DPsim::MnaSolverPlugin< VarType >
Definition at line 17 of file MNASolverPlugin.h.