The Simulation holds a SystemTopology and a Solver. More...
#include <Simulation.h>
Classes | |
struct | LoggerMapping |
Public Types | |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Simulation > | Ptr |
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using | Ptr = std::shared_ptr< AttributeList > |
Public Member Functions | |
Simulation (String name, CommandLineArgs &args) | |
Creates simulation with name and CommandLineArgs. | |
Simulation (String name, CPS::Logger::Level logLevel=CPS::Logger::Level::info) | |
Creates simulation with name and log level. | |
virtual | ~Simulation () |
Desctructor. | |
void | setSystem (const CPS::SystemTopology &system) |
void | setTimeStep (Real timeStep) |
void | setFinalTime (Real finalTime) |
void | setDomain (CPS::Domain domain=CPS::Domain::DP) |
void | setSolverType (Solver::Type solverType=Solver::Type::MNA) |
void | setSolverAndComponentBehaviour (Solver::Behaviour behaviour) |
set solver and component to initialization or simulation behaviour | |
void | setDirectLinearSolverImplementation (DirectLinearSolverImpl directImpl) |
void | setDirectLinearSolverConfiguration (const DirectLinearSolverConfiguration &configuration) |
void | setMaxNumberOfIterations (int maxIterations) |
void | doInitFromNodesAndTerminals (Bool f=true) |
void | doSplitSubnets (Bool splitSubnets=true) |
void | setTearingComponents (CPS::IdentifiedObject::List tearComponents=CPS::IdentifiedObject::List()) |
void | setScheduler (const std::shared_ptr< Scheduler > &scheduler) |
Set the scheduling method. | |
void | doFrequencyParallelization (Bool value) |
Compute phasors of different frequencies in parallel. | |
void | doSystemMatrixRecomputation (Bool value) |
void | setLogStepTimes (Bool f) |
void | doSteadyStateInit (Bool f) |
activate steady state initialization | |
void | setSteadStIniTimeLimit (Real v) |
set steady state initialization time limit | |
void | setSteadStIniAccLimit (Real v) |
set steady state initialization accuracy limit | |
void | initialize () |
Create solver instances etc. | |
void | start () |
Start simulation without advancing in time. | |
void | stop () |
Stop simulation including scheduler and interfaces. | |
Real | next () |
Run until next time step. | |
void | run () |
Run simulation until total time is elapsed. | |
virtual Real | step () |
Solve system A * x = z for x and current time. | |
void | sync () const |
Synchronize simulation with remotes by exchanging intial state over interfaces. | |
void | schedule () |
Create the schedule for the independent tasks. | |
void | addEvent (Event::Ptr e) |
Schedule an event in the simulation. | |
void | addLogger (DataLoggerInterface::Ptr logger) |
Add a new data logger. | |
void | logStepTimes (String logName) |
Write step time measurements to log file. | |
void | checkForOverruns (String logName) |
Check for overruns. | |
void | logLUTimes () |
Write LU decomposition times measurements to log file. | |
void | addInterface (Interface::Ptr eint) |
String | name () const |
Real | time () const |
Real | finalTime () const |
Int | timeStepCount () const |
Real | timeStep () const |
DataLogger::List & | loggers () |
std::shared_ptr< Scheduler > | scheduler () |
std::vector< Real > & | stepTimes () |
CPS::AttributeBase::Ptr | getIdObjAttribute (const String &comp, const String &attr) |
CHECK: Can these be deleted? getIdObjAttribute + "**attr =" should suffice. | |
void | logIdObjAttribute (const String &comp, const String &attr) |
void | logAttribute (String name, CPS::AttributeBase::Ptr attr) |
CHECK: Can we store the attribute name / UID intrinsically inside the attribute? | |
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const AttributeBase::Map & | attributes () const |
template<typename T > | |
Attribute< T >::Ptr | create (const String &name, T intitialValue=T()) |
template<typename T > | |
Attribute< T >::Ptr | createDynamic (const String &name) |
AttributeBase::Ptr | attribute (const String &name) const |
Return pointer to an attribute. | |
template<typename T > | |
Attribute< T >::Ptr | attributeTyped (const String &name) const |
Return pointer to an attribute. | |
Public Attributes | |
const CPS::Attribute< String >::Ptr | mName |
Simulation name. | |
String | mSolverPluginName |
If there we use a solver plugin, this specifies its name (excluding .so) | |
const CPS::Attribute< Real >::Ptr | mFinalTime |
Final time of the simulation. | |
const CPS::Attribute< Real >::Ptr | mTimeStep |
Simulation timestep. | |
const CPS::Attribute< Bool >::Ptr | mSplitSubnets |
const CPS::Attribute< Bool >::Ptr | mSteadyStateInit |
CPS::Logger::Log | mLog |
Simulation logger. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | create () |
Helper function for constructors. | |
template<typename VarType > | |
void | createSolvers () |
Create solvers depending on simulation settings. | |
template<typename VarType > | |
void | createMNASolver () |
Subroutine for MNA only because there are many MNA options. | |
void | prepSchedule () |
Prepare schedule for simulation. | |
Protected Attributes | |
Real | mTime = 0 |
Time variable that is incremented at every step. | |
Int | mTimeStepCount = 0 |
Number of step which have been executed for this simulation. | |
EventQueue | mEvents |
The simulation event queue. | |
CPS::SystemTopology | mSystem |
System list. | |
std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::steady_clock > | mSimulationStartTimePoint |
Start time point to measure calculation time. | |
std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::steady_clock > | mSimulationEndTimePoint |
End time point to measure calculation time. | |
std::chrono::duration< double > | mSimulationCalculationTime |
Measured calculation time for simulation. | |
CPS::Logger::Level | mLogLevel |
Simulation log level. | |
std::vector< Real > | mStepTimes |
(Real) time needed for the timesteps | |
Bool | mLogStepTimes = true |
activate collection of step times | |
CPS::Domain | mDomain = CPS::Domain::DP |
Solver::Type | mSolverType = Solver::Type::MNA |
Solver::Behaviour | mSolverBehaviour = Solver::Behaviour::Simulation |
Solver::List | mSolvers |
DirectLinearSolverImpl | mDirectImpl = DirectLinearSolverImpl::Undef |
DirectLinearSolverConfiguration | mDirectLinearSolverConfiguration |
Bool | mInitFromNodesAndTerminals = true |
Bool | mSystemMatrixRecomputation = false |
Enable recomputation of system matrix during simulation. | |
CPS::IdentifiedObject::List | mTearComponents = CPS::IdentifiedObject::List() |
Bool | mFreqParallel = false |
Bool | mInitialized = false |
Real | mSteadStIniTimeLimit = 10 |
steady state initialization time limit | |
Real | mSteadStIniAccLimit = 0.0001 |
steady state initialization accuracy limit | |
std::shared_ptr< Scheduler > | mScheduler |
Scheduler used for task scheduling. | |
CPS::Task::List | mTasks |
List of all tasks to be scheduled. | |
Scheduler::Edges | mTaskInEdges |
Task dependencies as incoming / outgoing edges. | |
Scheduler::Edges | mTaskOutEdges |
std::vector< Interface::Ptr > | mInterfaces |
Vector of Interfaces. | |
DataLoggerInterface::List | mLoggers |
The data loggers. | |
int | mMaxIterations = 10 |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static std::shared_ptr< AttributeList > | make (Args &&...args) |
The Simulation holds a SystemTopology and a Solver.
Every time step, the Simulation calls the step function of the Solver.
Definition at line 34 of file Simulation.h.
inline |
If logStepTimes is enabled, the time needed for every timesteps is logged and can be written to a file or the console using logStepTimes()
Definition at line 221 of file Simulation.h.
protected |
Determines if the system matrix is split into several smaller matrices, one for each frequency. This can only be done if the network is composed of linear components that do no create cross frequency coupling.
Definition at line 109 of file Simulation.h.
protected |
Definition at line 150 of file Simulation.h.
const CPS::Attribute<Bool>::Ptr DPsim::Simulation::mSplitSubnets |
Determines if the network should be split into subnetworks at decoupling lines. If the system is split, each subsystem is solved by a dedicated MNA solver.
Definition at line 51 of file Simulation.h.
const CPS::Attribute<Bool>::Ptr DPsim::Simulation::mSteadyStateInit |
Determines if steady-state initialization should be executed prior to the simulation. By default the initialization is disabled.
Definition at line 56 of file Simulation.h.
protected |
If tearing components exist, the Diakoptics solver is selected automatically.
Definition at line 103 of file Simulation.h.