Solver class which uses Differential Algebraic Equation(DAE) systems.
#include <DAESolver.h>
| DAESolver (String name, const CPS::SystemTopology &system, Real dt, Real mT0) |
| Create solve object with given parameters.
| ~DAESolver () |
| Deallocate all memory.
void | initialize () final |
| Initialize Components & Nodes with initial values.
Real | step (Real time) |
| Solve system for the current time.
CPS::Task::List | getTasks () override |
| Get tasks for scheduler.
| Solver (String name, CPS::Logger::Level logLevel) |
void | setTimeStep (Real timeStep) |
void | doFrequencyParallelization (Bool freqParallel) |
virtual void | setSystem (const CPS::SystemTopology &system) |
void | doSystemMatrixRecomputation (Bool value) |
void | setLogSolveTimes (Bool value) |
void | doSteadyStateInit (Bool f) |
| activate steady state initialization
void | setSteadStIniTimeLimit (Real v) |
| set steady state initialization time limit
void | setSteadStIniAccLimit (Real v) |
| set steady state initialization accuracy limit
virtual void | setSolverAndComponentBehaviour (Solver::Behaviour behaviour) |
| set solver and component to initialization or simulation behaviour
void | doInitFromNodesAndTerminals (Bool f) |
| activate powerflow initialization
virtual void | setDirectLinearSolverConfiguration (DirectLinearSolverConfiguration &) |
| set direct linear solver configuration (only available in MNA for now)
virtual void | logLUTimes () |
| log LU decomposition times, if applicable
virtual void | log (Real time, Int timeStepCount) |
| Log results.
void | setMaxNumberOfIterations (int maxIterations) |
int | residualFunction (realtype ttime, N_Vector state, N_Vector dstate_dt, N_Vector resid) |
CPS::SystemTopology | mSystem |
std::vector< Int > | mOffsets |
| Offsets vector for adding new equations to the residual vector.
Real | mTimestep |
| Constant time step.
Int | mNEQ |
| Number of equations in problem.
CPS::IdentifiedObject::List | mComponents |
| Components of the Problem.
CPS::SimNode< Complex >::List | mNodes |
| Nodes of the Problem.
Real | mT0 |
void * | mem = NULL |
| Memory block allocated by IDA.
N_Vector | state = NULL |
| Vector of problem variables.
N_Vector | dstate_dt = NULL |
| Derivates of the state vector with respect to time.
realtype | tret |
| Time IDA reached while solving.
realtype | abstol |
| Scalar absolute tolerance.
realtype | rtol |
| Relative tolerance.
SUNMatrix | A = NULL |
| Template Jacobian Matrix.
SUNLinearSolver | LS = NULL |
| Linear solver object.
long int | interalSteps = 0 |
long int | resEval = 0 |
std::vector< CPS::DAEInterface::ResFn > | mResidualFunctions |
String | mName |
| Name for logging.
CPS::Logger::Level | mLogLevel |
| Logging level.
Bool | mLogSolveTimes = true |
| Collect step time for logging.
CPS::Logger::Log | mSLog |
| Logger.
Real | mTimeStep |
| Time step for fixed step solvers.
Bool | mFrequencyParallel = false |
| Activates parallelized computation of frequencies.
Real | mSteadStIniTimeLimit = 10 |
| steady state initialization time limit
Real | mSteadStIniAccLimit = 0.0001 |
| steady state initialization accuracy limit
Bool | mSteadyStateInit = false |
| Activates steady state initialization.
Bool | mIsInInitialization = false |
| Determines if solver is in initialization phase, which requires different behavior.
Bool | mInitFromNodesAndTerminals = true |
Bool | mSystemMatrixRecomputation = false |
| Enable recomputation of system matrix during simulation.
Behaviour | mBehaviour = Solver::Behaviour::Simulation |
| Solver behaviour initialization or simulation.
enum | Behaviour { Initialization
, Simulation
} |
enum class | Type { MNA
} |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Solver > | Ptr |
typedef std::vector< Ptr > | List |
int | mMaxIterations = 10 |
Solver class which uses Differential Algebraic Equation(DAE) systems.
Definition at line 30 of file DAESolver.h.
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