1 /* Copyright 2017-2021 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems,
2  * EONERC, RWTH Aachen University
3  *
4  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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9 #include <dpsim-models/DP/DP_Ph1_DPDQInterface.h>
11 using namespace CPS;
13 void DP::Ph1::DPDQInterface::setDPShiftFrequency(const Real &omegaShift) {
14  mOmegaShift = omegaShift;
15 }
18  const Real &simTime) {
19  mDQToDPTransform << cos(thetaDQ - mOmegaShift * simTime),
20  -sin(thetaDQ - mOmegaShift * simTime),
21  sin(thetaDQ - mOmegaShift * simTime),
22  cos(thetaDQ - mOmegaShift * simTime);
23 }
26  const Real &simTime) {
27  mDPToDQTransform << cos(thetaDQ - mOmegaShift * simTime),
28  sin(thetaDQ - mOmegaShift * simTime),
29  -sin(thetaDQ - mOmegaShift * simTime),
30  cos(thetaDQ - mOmegaShift * simTime);
31 }
34  const MatrixFixedSize<2, 1> &dqMatrix) {
35  Complex dpComplex;
36  dpComplex = Complex((mDQToDPTransform * dqMatrix)(0, 0),
37  (mDQToDPTransform * dqMatrix)(1, 0));
38  return dpComplex;
39 }
41 MatrixFixedSize<2, 1>
43  MatrixFixedSize<2, 1> dqMatrix;
44  dqMatrix(0, 0) = mDPToDQTransform(0, 0) * dpComplex.real() +
45  mDPToDQTransform(0, 1) * dpComplex.imag();
46  dqMatrix(1, 0) = mDPToDQTransform(1, 0) * dpComplex.real() +
47  mDPToDQTransform(1, 1) * dpComplex.imag();
48  return dqMatrix;
49 }
void updateDQToDPTransform(const Real &thetaDQ, const Real &simTime)
Update transformation matrix from DQ to DP.
void updateDPToDQTransform(const Real &thetaDQ, const Real &simTime)
Update transformation matrix from DP to DQ.
Complex applyDQToDPTransform(const MatrixFixedSize< 2, 1 > &dqMatrix)
Apply transform to obtain current complex DP.
MatrixFixedSize< 2, 1 > applyDPToDQTransform(const Complex &dpComplex)
Apply transform to obtain current DQ vector.
Real mOmegaShift
Shifting frequency of the DP domain (assumed to be constant)
void setDPShiftFrequency(const Real &omegaShift)
Setter for shit frequency.