►NCPS | |
►NBase | |
►NPh1 | |
CCapacitor | |
CCurrentSource | |
CInductor | |
CPiLine | |
CResistor | |
CSVC | Static VAR compensator (SVC) |
CSwitch | Dynamic Phasor Three-Phase Switch |
CTransformer | |
CVoltageSource | |
►NPh3 | |
CCapacitor | |
CInductor | |
CPiLine | |
CResistor | |
CSwitch | Dynamic Phasor Three-Phase Switch |
CTransformer | |
CVoltageSource | |
CAvVoltageSourceInverterDQ | Base model of average inverter |
CAvVoltageSourceInverterDQWithStateSpace | Base model of average inverter |
CReducedOrderSynchronGenerator | |
CSynchronGenerator | Base synchronous generator model |
►NCIM | |
CInvalidTopology | |
CReader | |
►NDP | |
►NPh1 | |
►CAvVoltageSourceInverterDQ | |
CControlPreStep | |
CControlStep | |
►CCapacitor | Capacitor model |
CMnaPostStepHarm | |
CMnaPreStepHarm | |
CCurrentSource | Dynamic phasor ideal current source |
CDPDQInterface | Class providing interface with DP domain for all components in DQ domain |
►CInductor | Inductor |
CMnaPostStepHarm | |
CMnaPreStepHarm | |
►CInverter | Single phase inverter model |
CMnaPostStepHarm | |
CMnaPreStepHarm | |
CNetworkInjection | Network injection model |
CPiLine | PI-line dynamic phasor model |
CPQLoadCS | PQ-load represented by a current source |
CReducedOrderSynchronGeneratorVBR | Base class for DP VBR synchronous generator model single phase |
CResIndSeries | Resistor inductor series element |
►CResistor | Dynamic phasor resistor model |
CMnaPostStepHarm | |
CRxLine | |
CRXLoad | Constant impedance load model consisting of RLC elements |
CRXLoadSwitch | Constant impedance load model consisting of RLC elements |
CSwitch | Dynamic phasor switch |
CSynchronGenerator3OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 3rd order synchronous generator model |
CSynchronGenerator4OrderPCM | 4 Order Synchronous generator model for transient stability analysis |
CSynchronGenerator4OrderTPM | 4 Order Synchronous generator model for transient stability analysis |
CSynchronGenerator4OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 4th order synchronous generator model |
CSynchronGenerator5OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 5th type 2 order synchronous generator model Ref: Milano, Documentation for PSAT version 2.1.6, June 2, 2011, chapter 17.1.2 |
CSynchronGenerator6aOrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 6th order synchronous generator model Marconato's model (Milano, Power System modelling and scripting, chapter 15) |
CSynchronGenerator6bOrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 6th order synchronous generator model Anderson - Fouad's model (Milano, Power System modelling and scripting, chapter 15) |
CSynchronGenerator6OrderPCM | 6 Order Synchronous generator model for transient stability analysis |
CSynchronGeneratorIdeal | Ideal voltage source representing a synchronous generator |
CSynchronGeneratorIter | Base class for DP VBR synchronous generator model single phase |
►CSynchronGeneratorTrStab | Synchronous generator model for transient stability analysis |
CAddBStep | |
CTransformer | Transformer that includes an inductance and resistance |
CvarResSwitch | Switch with variable resistance to avoid numerical oscillations, when an inductive current is suddenly interrupted. It is useful as a fault switch especially on a faulted generator or transformer winding |
►CVoltageSource | Ideal Voltage source model |
CMnaPostStepHarm | |
CMnaPreStepHarm | |
CVoltageSourceNorton | Resistive dynamic phasor voltage source |
CVoltageSourceRamp | |
►NPh3 | |
CCapacitor | Capacitor model |
CInductor | Inductor |
CResistor | |
CSeriesResistor | |
CSeriesSwitch | Dynamic phasor three-phase switch |
CSynchronGeneratorDQ | Synchronous generator model in dq-reference frame |
►CSynchronGeneratorDQODE | |
CODEPreStep | |
CSynchronGeneratorDQTrapez | |
CSynchronGeneratorVBR | |
CVoltageSource | Ideal Voltage source model |
►NEMT | |
►NPh1 | |
CCapacitor | Capacitor model |
CCurrentSource | Ideal current source model |
CInductor | Inductor |
CResistor | EMT Resistor |
CSwitch | One phase EMT switch |
CVoltageSource | Ideal Voltage source model |
CVoltageSourceNorton | Voltage source as Norton equivalent |
CVoltageSourceRamp | |
►NPh3 | |
►NSSN | |
CCapacitor | Capacitor model |
CFull_Serial_RLC | Full_Serial_RLC |
CInductor | Inductor |
►CAvVoltageSourceInverterDQ | |
CControlPreStep | |
CControlStep | |
CAvVoltSourceInverterStateSpace | Average inverter model with LC filter |
CCapacitor | Capacitor model |
CCurrentSource | Ideal current source model |
CInductor | Inductor |
CNetworkInjection | Network injection model |
CPiLine | PI-line dynamic phasor model |
CReducedOrderSynchronGeneratorVBR | Base class for EMT VBR simplefied synchronous generator models |
CResistor | EMT Resistor |
CRxLine | |
CRXLoad | TODO: currently modelled as an impedance, which obviously doesn't have a constant power characteristic Model as current source and read from CSV files |
CSeriesResistor | EMT three-phase resistor |
CSeriesSwitch | EMT three-phase switch |
CSwitch | Dynamic phasor switch |
CSynchronGenerator3OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 3rd order synchronous generator model |
CSynchronGenerator4OrderPCM | 4 Order Synchronous generator model for transient stability analysis |
CSynchronGenerator4OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 4th order synchronous generator model |
CSynchronGenerator5OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 5th type 2 order synchronous generator model Ref: Milano, Documentation for PSAT version 2.1.6, June 2, 2011, chapter 17.1.2 |
CSynchronGenerator6aOrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 6th order synchronous generator model Marconato's model (Milano, Power System modelling and scripting, chapter 15) |
CSynchronGenerator6bOrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 6th order synchronous generator model Anderson - Fouad's model (Milano, Power System modelling and scripting, chapter 15) |
CSynchronGeneratorDQ | Synchronous generator model in dq-reference frame |
►CSynchronGeneratorDQODE | |
CODEPreStep | |
CSynchronGeneratorDQTrapez | |
CSynchronGeneratorIdeal | Ideal voltage source representing a synchronous generator |
►CSynchronGeneratorTrStab | Synchronous generator model for transient stability analysis |
CAddBStep | |
CSynchronGeneratorVBR | |
CTransformer | Transformer that includes an inductance and resistance |
CVoltageSource | Ideal Voltage source model |
CVoltageSourceNorton | Voltage source with Norton equivalent model |
►NGraph | |
CElement | |
CNode | |
CEdge | |
CGraph | |
►NSignal | |
CCosineFMGenerator | Model to generate signals containing a frequency ramp |
►CDecouplingLine | |
CPostStep | |
CPreStep | |
►CDecouplingLineEMT | |
CPostStep | |
CPreStep | |
CExciter | |
►CFIRFilter | |
CStep | |
CFrequencyRampGenerator | Model to generate signals containing a frequency ramp |
►CIntegrator | |
CPreStep | |
CStep | |
►CPLL | |
CPreStep | |
CStep | |
►CPowerControllerVSI | |
CPreStep | |
CStep | |
CSignalGenerator | Model to generate generic signals |
CSineWaveGenerator | Model to generate sinusoidal signals |
CTurbineGovernor | Turbine governor model to be used with synchronous generator |
CTurbineGovernorType1 | |
►NSP | |
►NPh1 | |
►CAvVoltageSourceInverterDQ | |
CControlPreStep | |
CControlStep | |
CCapacitor | |
CInductor | Static phasor inductor model |
CLoad | |
CNetworkInjection | Network injection model |
CPiLine | PI-line static phasor model |
CPQNode | |
CPVNode | |
CReducedOrderSynchronGeneratorVBR | Base class for SP VBR synchronous generator model single phase |
CResistor | Static phasor resistor model |
CRXLine | |
CShunt | |
CSolidStateTransformer | |
CSwitch | Dynamic phasor switch |
CSynchronGenerator | |
CSynchronGenerator3OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 3rd order synchronous generator model |
CSynchronGenerator4OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 4th order synchronous generator model |
CSynchronGenerator5OrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 5th type 2 order synchronous generator model Ref: Milano, Documentation for PSAT version 2.1.6, June 2, 2011, chapter 17.1.2 |
CSynchronGenerator6aOrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 6th order synchronous generator model Marconato's model (Milano, Power System modelling and scripting, chapter 15) |
CSynchronGenerator6bOrderVBR | Voltage-Behind-Reactance (VBR) implementation of 6th order synchronous generator model Anderson-Fouad's model (Milano, Power System modelling and scripting, chapter 15) |
►CSynchronGeneratorTrStab | Synchronous generator model for transient stability analysis |
CAddBStep | |
CTransformer | Transformer that includes an inductance and resistance |
CvarResSwitch | Switch with variable resistance to avoid numerical oscillations, when an inductive current is suddenly interrupted. It is useful as a fault switch especially on a faulted generator or transformer winding |
CVDNode | |
CVoltageSource | Ideal Voltage source model |
CVoltageSourceInverter | |
►NPh3 | |
CCapacitor | Capacitor model |
CInductor | Inductor |
CResistor | |
CRxLine | |
CVoltageSource | Ideal Voltage source model |
►NUtils | |
CRgb | |
CAttribute | |
CAttributeStatic | |
CAttributeDynamic | |
CAttributePointer | |
CAttributeCmp | |
CAttributeEq | |
CAttributeBase | |
CAttributeUpdateTaskBase | |
CAttributeUpdateTask | |
CAttributeList | Base class of objects having attributes to access member variables |
CCompositePowerComp | Base class for composite power components |
CCSVReader | Reads load profiles (csv files only) and assign them to the corresponding load object |
CCSVRow | |
CCSVReaderIterator | |
CException | |
CAccessException | |
CTypeException | |
CInvalidAttributeException | |
CInvalidArgumentException | |
CSystemError | |
CIdentifiedObject | |
CLogger | |
CMath | |
►CMNASimPowerComp | Base class for all MNA components that are transmitting power |
CMnaPostStep | |
CMnaPreStep | |
CMNAStampUtils | |
CPQData | |
CPowerProfile | |
►CSimNode | |
CMnaPostStepHarm | |
CSimPowerComp | Base class for all components that are transmitting power |
CSimSignalComp | |
CSimTerminal | |
CDAEInterface | |
CMNAInterface | Interface to be implemented by all models used by the MNA solver |
CMNASwitchInterface | MNA interface to be used by switching devices |
CMNASyncGenInterface | Interface to be used by synchronous generators |
CMNATearInterface | |
CMNAVariableCompInterface | MNA interface to be used by elements that require recomputing of the system matrix |
CODEInterface | |
CODEintInterface | |
CPFSolverInterfaceBranch | Common base class of all Component templates |
CPFSolverInterfaceBus | Common base class of all Component templates |
CSystemTopology | |
CTask | Tasks to be defined by every component |
CTopologicalNode | |
CTopologicalPowerComp | |
CTopologicalSignalComp | |
CTopologicalTerminal | |
►NDPsim | |
►Ncuda | |
►CVector | |
Citerator | |
CCudaMatrix | |
NUtils | |
CDAESolver | Solver class which uses Differential Algebraic Equation(DAE) systems |
►CDataLogger | |
CStep | |
CSolverException | |
CUnsupportedSolverException | |
CDenseLUAdapter | |
►CDiakopticsSolver | |
CLogTask | |
CPostSolveTask | |
CPreSolveTask | |
CSolveTask | |
CSubnetSolveTask | |
CDirectLinearSolver | |
CDirectLinearSolverConfiguration | |
CEvent | |
CEventComparator | |
CAttributeEvent | |
CSwitchEvent | |
CSwitchEvent3Ph | |
CEventQueue | |
►CGpuDenseAdapter | |
CGpuData | Variables for solving one Equation-system (All pointer are device-pointer) |
CGpuMagmaAdapter | |
CGpuSparseAdapter | |
►CInterface | |
CPostStep | |
CPreStep | |
CReaderThread | |
CWriterThread | |
CInterfaceWorker | |
CKLUAdapter | |
CMnaSolver | Solver class using Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA) |
►CMnaSolverDirect | Solver class using Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA) |
CLogTask | |
CSolveTask | |
CSolveTaskHarm | |
CSolveTaskRecomp | |
CMnaSolverFactory | |
►CMnaSolverPlugin | |
CLogTask | |
CSolveTask | |
CODEintSolver | Solver class which uses ODE systems |
►CODESolver | Solver class for ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) systems |
CSolveTask | |
COpenMPLevelScheduler | |
►CPFSolver | Solver class using the nonlinear powerflow (PF) formulation |
CSolveTask | |
CPFSolverPowerPolar | Powerflow solver class considering power mismatch and voltages in polar coordinates |
CRealTimeSimulation | Extending Simulation class by real-time functionality |
CSchedulingException | |
►CScheduler | |
CRoot | |
CBarrier | |
CBarrierTask | |
CCounter | |
CSequentialScheduler | |
►CSimulation | The Simulation holds a SystemTopology and a Solver |
CLoggerMapping | |
CSwitchConfiguration | Holds switching time and which system should be activated |
CSolver | Base class for more specific solvers such as MNA, ODE or IDA |
CSparseLUAdapter | |
CThreadLevelScheduler | |
CThreadListScheduler | |
CThreadScheduler | |
►CTimer | |
COverrunException | |
►CCommandLineArgs | |
CArgument | |
CInterfaceVillas | Interface type that can be used to import and export simulation attributes over any node type supported by VILLASnode |
CInterfaceWorkerVillas | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< CPS::AttributePointer< T > > | |