This is the complete list of members for DPsim::ODESolver, including all inherited members.
A | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
abstol | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
Behaviour enum name (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | |
check_flag(void *flagvalue, const std::string &funcname, int opt) | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
doFrequencyParallelization(Bool freqParallel) (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
doInitFromNodesAndTerminals(Bool f) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
doSteadyStateInit(Bool f) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
doSystemMatrixRecomputation(Bool value) (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
getTasks() | DPsim::ODESolver | inlinevirtual |
Initialization enum value (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | |
initialize() | DPsim::ODESolver | virtual |
Jacobian(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, SUNMatrix J, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3) (defined in DPsim::ODESolver) | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
JacobianWrapper(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, SUNMatrix J, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3) (defined in DPsim::ODESolver) | DPsim::ODESolver | protectedstatic |
List typedef (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | |
log(Real time, Int timeStepCount) | DPsim::Solver | inlinevirtual |
logLUTimes() | DPsim::Solver | inlinevirtual |
LS | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mArkode_mem | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mBehaviour | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mComponent | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mFlag | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mFrequencyParallel | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mImplicitIntegration | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mInitFromNodesAndTerminals | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mIsInInitialization | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mJacFunction (defined in DPsim::ODESolver) | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mLogLevel | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mLogSolveTimes | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mMaxIterations | DPsim::Solver | |
mName | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mProbDim | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mSLog | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mStates | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mSteadStIniAccLimit | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mSteadStIniTimeLimit | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mSteadyStateInit | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mStSpFunction (defined in DPsim::ODESolver) | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
mSystemMatrixRecomputation | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mTimeStep | DPsim::Solver | protected |
mTimestep | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
ODESolver(String name, const CPS::ODEInterface::Ptr &comp, bool implicit_integration, Real timestep) | DPsim::ODESolver | |
Ptr typedef (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | |
reltol | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
setDirectLinearSolverConfiguration(DirectLinearSolverConfiguration &) | DPsim::Solver | inlinevirtual |
setLogSolveTimes(Bool value) (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
setMaxNumberOfIterations(int maxIterations) (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
setSolverAndComponentBehaviour(Solver::Behaviour behaviour) | DPsim::Solver | inlinevirtual |
setSteadStIniAccLimit(Real v) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
setSteadStIniTimeLimit(Real v) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
setSystem(const CPS::SystemTopology &system) (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | inlinevirtual |
setTimeStep(Real timeStep) (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
Simulation enum value (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | |
Solver(String name, CPS::Logger::Level logLevel) (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | inline |
StateSpace(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot) (defined in DPsim::ODESolver) | DPsim::ODESolver | protected |
StateSpaceWrapper(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, void *user_data) | DPsim::ODESolver | protectedstatic |
step(Real initial_time) | DPsim::ODESolver | |
Type enum name | DPsim::Solver | |
~ODESolver() | DPsim::ODESolver | |
~Solver() (defined in DPsim::Solver) | DPsim::Solver | inlinevirtual |