This is the complete list of members for CPS::Logger, including all inherited members.
complexToString(const Complex &num) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
get(const std::string &name, Level filelevel=Level::info, Level clilevel=Level::off) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
getCSVColumnNames(std::vector< String > names) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
getCSVLineFromData(Real time, Real data) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
getCSVLineFromData(Real time, const Matrix &data) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
getCSVLineFromData(Real time, const MatrixComp &data) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
Level typedef (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | |
Log typedef (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | |
logDir() (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
Logger() (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | |
matrixCompToString(const MatrixComp &mat) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
matrixToString(const Matrix &mat) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
phasorMatrixToString(const MatrixComp &mat) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
phasorToString(const Complex &num) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
prefix() (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
realToString(const Real &num) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
setLogDir(String path) | CPS::Logger | static |
setLogLevel(std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > logger, Logger::Level level) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
setLogPattern(std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > logger, std::string pattern) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
sparseMatrixCompToString(const SparseMatrixComp &mat) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
sparseMatrixToString(const SparseMatrix &mat) (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger | static |
~Logger() (defined in CPS::Logger) | CPS::Logger |