1 /* Copyright 2017-2021 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems,
2  * EONERC, RWTH Aachen University
3  *
4  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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7  *********************************************************************************/
9 #include <dpsim-models/SP/SP_Ph1_varResSwitch.h>
11 using namespace CPS;
13 SP::Ph1::varResSwitch::varResSwitch(String uid, String name,
14  Logger::Level logLevel)
15  : MNASimPowerComp<Complex>(uid, name, false, true, logLevel),
16  Base::Ph1::Switch(mAttributes) {
17  setTerminalNumber(2);
18  **mIntfVoltage = MatrixComp::Zero(1, 1);
19  **mIntfCurrent = MatrixComp::Zero(1, 1);
20 }
23  auto copy = varResSwitch::make(name, mLogLevel);
24  copy->setParameters(**mOpenResistance, **mClosedResistance, **mIsClosed);
25  return copy;
26 }
30  // // This function is not used!!!!!!
32  //Switch Resistance
33  Real impedance = (**mIsClosed) ? **mClosedResistance : **mOpenResistance;
35  (**mIntfVoltage)(0, 0) = initialSingleVoltage(1) - initialSingleVoltage(0);
36  (**mIntfCurrent)(0, 0) = (**mIntfVoltage)(0, 0) / impedance;
37 }
39 // #### MNA functions ####
41  Real omega, Real timeStep, Attribute<Matrix>::Ptr leftVector) {
42  updateMatrixNodeIndices();
43 }
45 Bool SP::Ph1::varResSwitch::mnaIsClosed() { return isClosed(); }
48  SparseMatrixRow &systemMatrix) {
49  Complex conductance = (**mIsClosed) ? Complex(1. / **mClosedResistance, 0)
50  : Complex(1. / **mOpenResistance, 0);
52  MNAStampUtils::stampAdmittance(conductance, systemMatrix, matrixNodeIndex(0),
53  matrixNodeIndex(1), terminalNotGrounded(0),
54  terminalNotGrounded(1), mSLog);
55 }
58  Bool closed, SparseMatrixRow &systemMatrix, Int freqIdx) {
59  Complex conductance = (closed) ? Complex(1. / **mClosedResistance, 0)
60  : Complex(1. / **mOpenResistance, 0);
62  MNAStampUtils::stampAdmittance(conductance, systemMatrix, matrixNodeIndex(0),
63  matrixNodeIndex(1), terminalNotGrounded(0),
64  terminalNotGrounded(1), mSLog);
65 }
68  Matrix &rightVector) {}
71  AttributeBase::List &prevStepDependencies,
72  AttributeBase::List &attributeDependencies,
73  AttributeBase::List &modifiedAttributes,
74  Attribute<Matrix>::Ptr &leftVector) {
76  attributeDependencies.push_back(leftVector);
77  modifiedAttributes.push_back(mIntfVoltage);
78  modifiedAttributes.push_back(mIntfCurrent);
79 }
82  Real time, Int timeStepCount, Attribute<Matrix>::Ptr &leftVector) {
83  mnaCompUpdateVoltage(**leftVector);
84  mnaCompUpdateCurrent(**leftVector);
85 }
87 void SP::Ph1::varResSwitch::mnaCompUpdateVoltage(const Matrix &leftVector) {
88  // Voltage across component is defined as V1 - V0
89  (**mIntfVoltage)(0, 0) = 0;
90  if (terminalNotGrounded(1))
91  (**mIntfVoltage)(0, 0) =
92  Math::complexFromVectorElement(leftVector, matrixNodeIndex(1));
93  if (terminalNotGrounded(0))
94  (**mIntfVoltage)(0, 0) =
95  (**mIntfVoltage)(0, 0) -
96  Math::complexFromVectorElement(leftVector, matrixNodeIndex(0));
97 }
99 void SP::Ph1::varResSwitch::mnaCompUpdateCurrent(const Matrix &leftVector) {
100  (**mIntfCurrent)(0, 0) = (**mIsClosed)
101  ? (**mIntfVoltage)(0, 0) / **mClosedResistance
102  : (**mIntfVoltage)(0, 0) / **mOpenResistance;
103 }
106  //Get present state
107  Bool presentState = this->mnaIsClosed();
109  // Check if state of switch changed from open to closed
110  if (!(mPrevState == presentState)) {
111  // Switch is closed : change with 1/mDeltaRes
112  if (this->mnaIsClosed() == true) {
113  // mClosedResistance= 1./mDeltaRes*mPrevRes;
114  **mClosedResistance = mDeltaResClosed * mPrevRes;
115  mPrevRes = **mClosedResistance;
116  // check if target value is reached
117  if (**mClosedResistance < mInitClosedRes) {
118  **mClosedResistance = mInitClosedRes;
119  mPrevRes = **mClosedResistance;
120  mPrevState = this->mnaIsClosed();
121  }
122  }
123  // Switch is opened : change with mDeltaRes
124  else if (this->mnaIsClosed() == false) {
125  **mOpenResistance = mDeltaResOpen * mPrevRes;
126  mPrevRes = **mOpenResistance;
127  // check if target value is reached
128  if (**mOpenResistance > mInitOpenRes) {
129  **mOpenResistance = mInitOpenRes;
130  mPrevRes = **mOpenResistance;
131  mPrevState = this->mnaIsClosed();
132  }
133  }
134  return 1; //recompute system matrix
135  } else {
136  return 0; // do not recompute system matrix
137  }
138 }
140 void SP::Ph1::varResSwitch::setInitParameters(Real timestep) {
141  //Define variables for the transition
142  mDeltaResClosed = 0;
143  // mDeltaResOpen = 1.5; // assumption for 1ms step size
144  mDeltaResOpen = 0.5 * timestep / 0.001 + 1;
145  mPrevState = **mIsClosed;
146  mPrevRes = (**mIsClosed) ? **mClosedResistance : **mOpenResistance;
147  mInitClosedRes = **mClosedResistance;
148  mInitOpenRes = **mOpenResistance;
149 }
Base class for all MNA components that are transmitting power.
Dynamic phasor switch.
Definition: SP_Ph1_Switch.h:28
void mnaCompApplySystemMatrixStamp(SparseMatrixRow &systemMatrix)
Stamps system matrix.
Bool mnaIsClosed()
Check if switch is closed.
void mnaCompApplySwitchSystemMatrixStamp(Bool closed, SparseMatrixRow &systemMatrix, Int freqIdx)
Stamps system matrix considering the defined switch position.
SimPowerComp< Complex >::Ptr clone(String name)
Returns a modified copy of the component with the given suffix added to the name and without.
Bool hasParameterChanged()
Returns true if one of the element paramters has changed.
void initializeFromNodesAndTerminals(Real frequency)
Initializes states from power flow data.
void mnaCompUpdateCurrent(const Matrix &leftVector)
Update interface current from MNA system results.
varResSwitch(String uid, String name, Logger::Level logLevel=Logger::Level::off)
Defines UID, name and log level.
void mnaCompInitialize(Real omega, Real timeStep, Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr leftVector)
Initializes MNA specific variables.
void mnaCompAddPostStepDependencies(AttributeBase::List &prevStepDependencies, AttributeBase::List &attributeDependencies, AttributeBase::List &modifiedAttributes, Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr &leftVector)
void mnaCompPostStep(Real time, Int timeStepCount, Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr &leftVector)
MNA pre step operations.
void mnaCompUpdateVoltage(const Matrix &leftVector)
Update interface voltage from MNA system results.
void mnaCompApplyRightSideVectorStamp(Matrix &rightVector)
Stamps right side (source) vector.
Base class for all components that are transmitting power.
Definition: SimPowerComp.h:17
const Attribute< MatrixVar< Complex > >::Ptr mIntfCurrent
Current through component.
Definition: SimPowerComp.h:47
const Attribute< MatrixVar< Complex > >::Ptr mIntfVoltage
Voltage between terminals.
Definition: SimPowerComp.h:45