1 /* Copyright 2017-2021 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems,
2  * EONERC, RWTH Aachen University
3  *
4  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6  * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7  *********************************************************************************/
9 #include <dpsim-models/Signal/PowerControllerVSI.h>
11 using namespace CPS;
12 using namespace CPS::Signal;
14 PowerControllerVSI::PowerControllerVSI(String name, Logger::Level logLevel)
15  : SimSignalComp(name, name, logLevel),
17  mInputPrev(mAttributes->create<Matrix>("input_prev", Matrix::Zero(6, 1))),
18  mStatePrev(mAttributes->create<Matrix>("state_prev", Matrix::Zero(6, 1))),
19  mOutputPrev(
20  mAttributes->create<Matrix>("output_prev", Matrix::Zero(2, 1))),
21  mInputCurr(mAttributes->create<Matrix>("input_curr", Matrix::Zero(6, 1))),
22  mStateCurr(mAttributes->create<Matrix>("state_curr", Matrix::Zero(6, 1))),
23  mOutputCurr(
24  mAttributes->create<Matrix>("output_curr", Matrix::Zero(2, 1))),
25  mVc_d(mAttributes->createDynamic<Real>("Vc_d")),
26  mVc_q(mAttributes->createDynamic<Real>("Vc_q")),
27  mIrc_d(mAttributes->createDynamic<Real>("Irc_d")),
28  mIrc_q(mAttributes->createDynamic<Real>("Irc_q")) {
30  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Create {} {}", type(), name);
31 }
33 void PowerControllerVSI::setParameters(Real Pref, Real Qref) {
34  mPref = Pref;
35  mQref = Qref;
37  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "General Parameters:");
38  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Active Power={} [W] Reactive Power={} [VAr]",
39  mPref, mQref);
41  // use Pref and Qref as init values for states P and Q
42  // init values for other states remain zero (if not changed using setInitialStateValues)
43  mPInit = Pref;
44  mQInit = Qref;
45 }
48  Real Ki_powerCtrl,
49  Real Kp_currCtrl,
50  Real Ki_currCtrl,
51  Real Omega_cutoff) {
53  mKiPowerCtrld = Ki_powerCtrl;
54  mKiPowerCtrlq = Ki_powerCtrl;
55  mKpPowerCtrld = Kp_powerCtrl;
56  mKpPowerCtrlq = Kp_powerCtrl;
57  mKiCurrCtrld = Ki_currCtrl;
58  mKiCurrCtrlq = Ki_currCtrl;
59  mKpCurrCtrld = Kp_currCtrl;
60  mKpCurrCtrlq = Kp_currCtrl;
61  mOmegaCutoff = Omega_cutoff;
63  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Control Parameters:");
64  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Power Loop: K_i = {}, K_p = {}", Kp_powerCtrl,
65  Ki_powerCtrl);
66  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Current Loop: K_i = {}, K_p = {}", Kp_currCtrl,
67  Ki_currCtrl);
68  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Cut-Off Frequency = {}", Omega_cutoff);
70  // Set state space matrices using controller parameters
71  mA << -mOmegaCutoff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -mOmegaCutoff, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0,
72  0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -mKpPowerCtrld, 0, mKiPowerCtrld, 0, 0, 0, 0,
73  mKpPowerCtrlq, 0, mKiPowerCtrlq, 0, 0;
75  mB << 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
76  mKpPowerCtrld, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -mKpPowerCtrlq, 0, 0, 0, -1;
78  mC << -mKpPowerCtrld * mKpCurrCtrld, 0, mKpCurrCtrld * mKiPowerCtrld, 0,
79  mKiCurrCtrld, 0, 0, mKpPowerCtrlq * mKpCurrCtrlq, 0,
80  mKpCurrCtrlq * mKiPowerCtrlq, 0, mKiCurrCtrlq;
82  mD << mKpCurrCtrld * mKpPowerCtrld, 0, 0, 0, -mKpCurrCtrld, 0, 0,
83  -mKpCurrCtrlq * mKpPowerCtrlq, 0, 0, 0, -mKpCurrCtrlq;
85  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "State space matrices:");
86  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "A = \n{}", mA);
87  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "B = \n{}", mB);
88  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "C = \n{}", mC);
89  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "D = \n{}", mD);
90 }
92 void PowerControllerVSI::setInitialStateValues(Real pInit, Real qInit,
93  Real phi_dInit, Real phi_qInit,
94  Real gamma_dInit,
95  Real gamma_qInit) {
97  mPInit = pInit;
98  mQInit = qInit;
99  mPhi_dInit = phi_dInit;
100  mPhi_qInit = phi_qInit;
101  mGamma_dInit = gamma_dInit;
102  mGamma_qInit = gamma_qInit;
104  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Initial State Value Parameters:");
105  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "PInit = {}, QInit = {}", pInit, qInit);
106  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Phi_dInit = {}, Phi_qInit = {}", phi_dInit,
107  phi_qInit);
108  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Gamma_dInit = {}, Gamma_qInit = {}", gamma_dInit,
109  gamma_qInit);
110 }
113  Real omega, Real timeStep, Attribute<Matrix>::Ptr leftVector) {
114  mTimeStep = timeStep;
115  mOmegaCutoff = omega;
117  // update B matrix due to its dependence on Irc
120  // initialization of input
121  **mInputCurr << mPref, mQref, **mVc_d, **mVc_q, **mIrc_d, **mIrc_q;
122  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Initialization of input: \n" +
123  Logger::matrixToString(**mInputCurr));
125  // initialization of states
126  **mStateCurr << mPInit, mQInit, mPhi_dInit, mPhi_qInit, mGamma_dInit,
127  mGamma_qInit;
128  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Initialization of states: \n" +
129  Logger::matrixToString(**mStateCurr));
131  // initialization of output
132  **mOutputCurr = mC * **mStateCurr + mD * **mInputCurr;
133  SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(mSLog, "Initialization of output: \n" +
134  Logger::matrixToString(**mOutputCurr));
135 }
138  AttributeBase::List &prevStepDependencies,
139  AttributeBase::List &attributeDependencies,
140  AttributeBase::List &modifiedAttributes) {
141  prevStepDependencies.push_back(mInputCurr);
142  prevStepDependencies.push_back(mOutputCurr);
143  modifiedAttributes.push_back(mInputPrev);
144  modifiedAttributes.push_back(mOutputPrev);
145 };
147 void PowerControllerVSI::signalPreStep(Real time, Int timeStepCount) {
148  **mInputPrev = **mInputCurr;
149  **mStatePrev = **mStateCurr;
150  **mOutputPrev = **mOutputCurr;
151 }
154  AttributeBase::List &prevStepDependencies,
155  AttributeBase::List &attributeDependencies,
156  AttributeBase::List &modifiedAttributes) {
157  attributeDependencies.push_back(mVc_d);
158  attributeDependencies.push_back(mVc_q);
159  attributeDependencies.push_back(mIrc_d);
160  attributeDependencies.push_back(mIrc_q);
161  modifiedAttributes.push_back(mInputCurr);
162  modifiedAttributes.push_back(mOutputCurr);
163 };
165 void PowerControllerVSI::signalStep(Real time, Int timeStepCount) {
166  // update B matrix due to its dependence on Irc
169  // get current inputs
170  **mInputCurr << mPref, mQref, **mVc_d, **mVc_q, **mIrc_d, **mIrc_q;
172  mSLog,
173  "Time {}\n: inputCurr = \n{}\n , inputPrev = \n{}\n , statePrev = \n{}",
174  time, **mInputCurr, **mInputPrev, **mStatePrev);
176  // calculate new states
177  **mStateCurr = Math::StateSpaceTrapezoidal(**mStatePrev, mA, mB, mTimeStep,
178  **mInputCurr, **mInputPrev);
179  SPDLOG_LOGGER_DEBUG(mSLog, "stateCurr = \n {}", **mStateCurr);
181  // calculate new outputs
182  **mOutputCurr = mC * **mStateCurr + mD * **mInputCurr;
183  SPDLOG_LOGGER_DEBUG(mSLog, "Output values: outputCurr = \n{}", **mOutputCurr);
184 }
187  mB.coeffRef(0, 2) = mOmegaCutoff * **mIrc_d;
188  mB.coeffRef(0, 3) = mOmegaCutoff * **mIrc_q;
189  mB.coeffRef(1, 2) = -mOmegaCutoff * **mIrc_q;
190  mB.coeffRef(1, 3) = mOmegaCutoff * **mIrc_d;
191 }
193 Task::List PowerControllerVSI::getTasks() {
194  return Task::List(
195  {std::make_shared<PreStep>(*this), std::make_shared<Step>(*this)});
196 }
Real mTimeStep
Simulation time step.
void setControllerParameters(Real Kp_powerCtrl, Real Ki_powerCtrl, Real Kp_currCtrl, Real Ki_currCtrl, Real Omega_cutoff)
Setter for parameters of control loops.
const Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr mInputPrev
Previous Input.
Matrix mD
matrix D of state space model
Matrix mC
matrix C of state space model
void signalAddStepDependencies(AttributeBase::List &prevStepDependencies, AttributeBase::List &attributeDependencies, AttributeBase::List &modifiedAttributes)
add step dependencies
Real mPInit
initial values for states
void setInitialStateValues(Real pInit, Real qInit, Real phi_dInit, Real phi_qInit, Real gamma_dInit, Real gamma_qInit)
Setter for initial state values.
void updateBMatrixStateSpaceModel()
Update B matrix due to its dependence on the input.
const Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr mStateCurr
Current State.
void signalStep(Real time, Int timeStepCount)
step operations
void initializeStateSpaceModel(Real omega, Real timeStep, Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr leftVector)
Initialize vectors of state space model.
const Attribute< Real >::Ptr mVc_d
These are never explicitely set to reference anything, so the outside code is responsible for setting...
void signalPreStep(Real time, Int timeStepCount)
pre step operations
const Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr mOutputCurr
Current Output.
void signalAddPreStepDependencies(AttributeBase::List &prevStepDependencies, AttributeBase::List &attributeDependencies, AttributeBase::List &modifiedAttributes)
pre step dependencies
const Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr mInputCurr
Current Input.
const Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr mStatePrev
Previous State.
Matrix mA
matrix A of state space model
const Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr mOutputPrev
Previous Output.
Matrix mB
matrix B of state space model
Logger::Log mSLog
Component logger.