11 #include <dpsim-models/Base/Base_Ph1_Resistor.h>
12 #include <dpsim-models/MNASimPowerComp.h>
13 #include <dpsim-models/Solver/DAEInterface.h>
14 #include <dpsim-models/Solver/MNATearInterface.h>
28 Logger::Level loglevel = Logger::Level::off);
30 Resistor(String name, Logger::Level logLevel = Logger::Level::off)
40 void mnaCompInitialize(Real omega, Real timeStep,
42 void mnaCompInitializeHarm(Real omega, Real timeStep,
51 void mnaCompUpdateVoltageHarm(
const Matrix &leftVector, Int freqIdx);
54 void mnaCompUpdateCurrentHarm();
61 AttributeBase::List &attributeDependencies,
62 AttributeBase::List &modifiedAttributes,
69 :
mName +
".MnaPostStepHarm"), mResistor(resistor),
70 mLeftVectors(leftVectors) {
71 for (UInt i = 0; i < mLeftVectors.size(); i++)
72 mAttributeDependencies.push_back(mLeftVectors[i]);
73 mModifiedAttributes.push_back(mResistor.
74 mModifiedAttributes.push_back(mResistor.
76 void execute(Real time, Int timeStepCount);
80 std::vector<Attribute<Matrix>::Ptr> mLeftVectors;
84 void mnaTearApplyMatrixStamp(SparseMatrixRow &tearMatrix);
88 void daeResidual(
double ttime,
const double state[],
const double dstate_dt[],
89 double resid[], std::vector<int> &off);
Dynamic phasor resistor model.
Complex daeInitialize()
Voltage Getter.
void mnaCompAddPostStepDependencies(AttributeBase::List &prevStepDependencies, AttributeBase::List &attributeDependencies, AttributeBase::List &modifiedAttributes, Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr &leftVector)
add MNA pre and post step dependencies
void mnaCompApplySystemMatrixStampHarm(SparseMatrixRow &systemMatrix, Int freqIdx)
Stamps system matrix considering the frequency index.
Resistor(String uid, String name, Logger::Level loglevel=Logger::Level::off)
Defines UID, name and logging level.
void mnaCompPostStep(Real time, Int timeStepCount, Attribute< Matrix >::Ptr &leftVector)
MNA pre and post step operations.
void daeResidual(double ttime, const double state[], const double dstate_dt[], double resid[], std::vector< int > &off)
Residual Function for DAE Solver.
void mnaCompUpdateCurrent(const Matrix &leftVector)
Update interface current from MNA system result.
void mnaCompApplySystemMatrixStamp(SparseMatrixRow &systemMatrix)
Stamps system matrix.
SimPowerComp< Complex >::Ptr clone(String name)
Returns a modified copy of the component with the given suffix added to the name and without.
void mnaCompUpdateVoltage(const Matrix &leftVector)
Update interface voltage from MNA system result.
void initializeFromNodesAndTerminals(Real frequency)
Initializes component from power flow data.
Resistor(String name, Logger::Level logLevel=Logger::Level::off)
Defines name and logging level.
const Attribute< String >::Ptr mName
Human readable name.
String uid()
Returns unique id.
AttributeBase::Ptr attribute(const String &name) const
Return pointer to an attribute.
Base class for all MNA components that are transmitting power.
Base class for all components that are transmitting power.
Tasks to be defined by every component.