from .IdentifiedObject import IdentifiedObject
from .CGMESProfile import Profile
[docs]class DiagramObjectStyle(IdentifiedObject):
A reference to a style used by the originating system for a diagram object. A diagram object style describes information such as line thickness, shape such as circle or rectangle etc, and color.
:StyledObjects: A style can be assigned to multiple diagram objects. Default: "list"
possibleProfileList = {
"class": [Profile.DL.value, ],
"StyledObjects": [Profile.DL.value, ],
serializationProfile = {}
recommendedClassProfile = Profile.DL.value
__doc__ += "\nDocumentation of parent class IdentifiedObject:\n" + IdentifiedObject.__doc__
def __init__(self, StyledObjects = "list", *args, **kw_args):
super().__init__(*args, **kw_args)
self.StyledObjects = StyledObjects
def __str__(self):
str = "class=DiagramObjectStyle\n"
attributes = self.__dict__
for key in attributes.keys():
str = str + key + "={}\n".format(attributes[key])
return str