Export Example Documentation
This guide demonstrates the basic usage of the function cim_export. The whole script can be found in gitlab.
For this export example we use the result from the import example. The whole explanation of the import procedure can be found in the import documentation.
import_result = cimpy.cim_import(xml_files, "cgmes_v2_4_15")
For the function cim_export a list containing all profiles which should be used for the export is needed. For more information about the arguments of the cim_export function see Functions.
activeProfileList = ['DI', 'EQ', 'SV', 'TP']
In the next step the objects stored in import_result are exported to XML/RDF files.
cimpy.cim_export(import_result, 'CIGREMV_reference_cgmes_v2_4_15', 'cgmes_v2_4_15', activeProfileList)
The XML/RDF files are generated inside the folder from which the function was called.